F-260 NT Reading Plan

Do you want to read through the New Testament, but have a hard time knowing where to start?

The F-260 NT is a Bible reading plan for busy believers that walks readers through the entire New Testament over the course of a year. It’s designed for reading five days a week, giving readers weekends off (with time to catch up if you miss a day). The F-260 NT also highlights memory verses each week to complement your reading as you journey through the New Testament.

Here are two ways that you can participate in the F-260 NT reading plan this year:

1. Download the YouVersion smartphone app – The F-260 NT plan is on the YouVersion Bible app where you can start the plan, invite friends to join you, and even set reminder notifications. This is the best way to follow along, by having the whole reading plan at your fingertips! Get it from the App Store or Google Play.

2. Download/Print the F-260 NT reading plan PDF – You can print this, keep it in your Bible, and track your progress to keep you on schedule.