
Forefront Church exists to lead people to experience new life in Jesus. We are so excited that you are here to check out the amazing things that God is doing in Southwest Denver!

Worship Experience: Sundays at 10am (in-person or online)

Forefront Kids Church: Sundays at 10am


2112 S. Patton Ct.

Denver, CO 80219

Phone: 303.475.4760

Email: life@forefrontchurch.tv



Events at Forefront

Looking for details about an event? Click the button below!



We seek to KNOW God personally through prayer, worship, and studying the Bible. We also want to KNOW who God says that we are and our identity in him. Click here to find helpful tools, resources, and to learn more.


GROW in your faith and in relationships with others. At Forefront Church, we do this best through our LifeGroups. We hope you and your family can find a group that fits for your schedule and your stage of life. Click here to find what groups are being offered!


We believe in serving our community and meeting the practical needs of those around us. We want to bring the light of Christ to a world that is desperate for hope. We have several opportunities for you to SERVE the church, SERVE the city, and SERVE the world. Click here to find out more about our missions partners and how you can get involved.


Our goal is to GO out and meet people where they are. We GO to share the hope of Jesus with others. We also GO to connect others with the local church.